Food: The CHUM Food Shelf located at 120 N 1st Ave West is open Wednesdays and Fridays from 10am-noon or until supplies run out. CHUM West Food Shelf is located at Our Savior's. Open Mondays from 10am-noon or until supplies run out. Free Community Breakfast 4th Saturday of the month at Our Savior's 9-10:30am.
Aging: Senior Link offices at Our Savior's on the first Thursday of the month
Support Groups: Grief Groups offered periodically OA AA GA
Financial Support: Our Savior's joins with other congregations to fund and distribute the "West Duluth Clergy Fund" through the Salvation Army. Donations are accepted at any time. Funds are released by contacting a participating congregation. Households may receive aid up to four times per year. Substantial support is not possible at our funding level; we try to give a small boost to people in need.